It's Heating Up—Is Your Attic Air Sealed?

Energia Attic Air Sealing

Summer is finally here--you can feel it in the air. Spring’s chilly moments are fast becoming replaced by the heat of summer. While many people love the hot weather that’s characteristic of Western Massachusetts summers, it’s only enjoyable if you have a cool, comfortable home environment to retreat to at the end of the day. One of the best ways to ensure that your home is able to retain cool air is to have your attic air sealed.

Home Efficiency during the Pioneer Valley Summer

Most people associate air sealing and insulation with the colder winter months. What often goes overlooked, however, is the importance both play in home comfort and efficiency year-round. Air sealing is just as important in the summer as it is in the winter for Pioneer Valley homeowners who are looking to focus on improving home efficiency. Fortunately, it’s not as much of as a mystery as some people make it out to be.

Sealing Your Attic for Summer Weather

Take a moment to consider your attic. The barrier between your attic and living space is the last line of defense between the hot summer air and the conditioned rooms in your home. If your attic isn’t properly air sealed and insulated, hot air from outside can easily leak into (or “infiltrate”) your home. Sound uncomfortable? You betcha.

Air sealing reinforces the thermal barrier created by high-performance insulation between your attic and the rest of your home. The service seals up cracks and gaps that allow air to flow in and out of places it shouldn’t be, and is one of the most important and effective components of home performance. When air sealing and insulation work properly together, you can rest easy knowing that the cool air in your home is staying where it is supposed to be.

Taking the Next Step

At Energia, we’re passionate about helping our customers to make smart efficiency upgrades. Our experienced team knows that focusing on air sealing and insulation is the best path to achieving efficiency and savings and also comfort.

We’re here to answer your questions and concerns and discuss the best next steps for you. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment!

We proudly serve Western and Central Massachusetts, including Hampshire, Hampden, Franklin, Berkshire, and Worcester Counties.